Sleep and paediatric population

25-40% of children between 4 and 10 years have sleep problems.

Insufficient sleep is a big problem for many reasons. Sleep impacts every domain of a child’s health and development. Good sleep optimises brain maturation. There is a public health demand for sleep screening at community-based well-child assessments to enable early detection and early intervention of sleep disorders that may impact neurodevelopment.

Developmental StageAgeRecommended Hours of Sleep
Newborns0-3 months14-17 hours
Infants4-2 months12-16 hours
Toddlers1-2 years11-14 hours
Preschoolers3-5 years10-13 hours
Children6-12 years9-12 hours
Teenagers13-18 years8-10 hours
Adults18+ years7-9 hours

Executive functions include inhibition, shifting attention, emotional regulation, working memory, motivation, organisation and planning skills.

Executive function is vulnerable to sleep disturbances. Research tells us that the more a child’s sleep improves, the better the child’s global executive functioning. This impacts learning, behaviour and social skills.