Who We Help

Healthy brain balance is essential to your child's development

Healthy brain development is shaped by interactions between a child’s genetics and their environment. Although genetics provide the initial blueprint for the developing brain, it is the child’s environment and experiences which promote optimal development.

Positive early experiences provided by loving and attentive caregivers stimulates early brain development which is a crucial foundational step in life. Early intervention is critical if things are ‘not on track’.

As a human brain grows – billions of new connections are formed. Between birth and 3 years a child’s brain develops 700 new connections per second. At the age of 3 a child has approximately 1000 trillion brain connections and by the time they reach 5 years of age, 90% of their brain has developed.

What is a brain imbalance?

The human brain is made up of two hemispheres, each with its own distinct functions. Most people are familiar with the concept of being left or right-brain dominant. In the 1990s Dr. Robert Melillio proposed that if the hemispheric imbalance is left unchecked, poor connectivity and a functional disconnect between the two brain hemispheres can occur, leading to poor ‘whole brain system’ function. This led him to believe that children presenting in clinic with learning and behavioural issues struggled because of a disconnection that was related to immature development or weakness of one side of the brain and a dominance in the other.

This may also be referred to as a ‘functional disconnection syndrome’.

This does not mean that a child has a disease or pathology, but it does mean that the brain’s processing and thinking are inefficient and not running smoothly.

What does a brain imbalance or poor brain connectivity look like?

Poor manual dexterity and fine motor skills in the hand for their age. Has difficulty holding a pencil, utensils, using scissors and has poor handwriting.

Sensory sensitivity & over reactivity to loud noises, bright lights & touch such as hair brushing and clothing labels.

Poor impulse control, frustration & anger with frequent temper tantrums that are not age appropriate.

Difficulties with hand-eye coordination especially evident with ball games.

Excessive anxiety and meltdowns that are not age appropriate.

Poor posture, slumping or difficulty sitting up straight at the table.

Lack of eye contact or social connection with others.

Poor concentration and focus on a task.

Too friendly and often invades others’ space creating social difficulties.

Motion sickness.

Poor balance.

Excessive fidgeting and an inability to sit still.


Excessive clumsiness.

Excessively timid or shy.

Difficulty crossing the midline of the body.

Why might these things be occuring?

These are all symptoms of a brain imbalance where one side of the brain is often hyperconnected and dominating the immature or underdeveloped hemisphere of the brain.

In a left brain dominant right brain weak child as we often see in children on the autism spectrum or with neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD (or children struggling with anger outbursts, poor emotional regulation, hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention and poor focus), this imbalance can cause an over exaggeration of left brain dominant or ‘approach’ behaviour and a lack of inhibitory or ‘withdrawal’ behaviour which is required for “waiting your turn’ inhibiting big emotions, meltdowns or emotional dysregulation. This will often impact a child’s movement, learning and social skills at home as well as in the classroom.

Brainfit Kids exercises and therapies can build brain-body connectivity to activate and balance the two brain hemispheres, improving your child’s overall movement, learning and social development.

Does your child display
the symptoms of a
brain imbalance?