8 signs my child may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Untreated ADHD can cause a lifetime of problems for a child, particularly in relation to school-ability, learning and relationships.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder (i.e. a brain-based problem) that is on the rise in Australia. It is thought to affect 1 in 20 Australians. Ideally, it is detected early in childhood, and treatments can be started early.

Early intervention is always important to a successful outcome when a child is not developing well.

  • A child may have difficulty waiting their turn or constantly interrupt conversations or other children’s games. He or she acts or speaks without thinking.
  • A child that ‘can’t sit still‘ or is ‘always moving‘.
  • A child with ADHD often has trouble keeping his or her emotions ‘in check’. You may see angry outbursts, tantrums and meltdowns that are not age-appropriate.
  • A child may have difficulty sitting still long enough to concentrate and finish a task. He or she is easily distracted.
  • A child may have difficulty paying attention and focusing even when someone is speaking directly to them.
  • Occurs when concentration and extended mental effort are required.
  • A child with ADHD may be loud and rambunctious, or alternately, they may be quiet and distracted, staring into space and seemingly disconnected from surroundings and other kids.
  • A child with ADHD often has trouble keeping track of tasks and activities, is often ‘late’, forgets, loses things and finds it hard to prioritise.